Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor gave this advice to the AAP government regarding Asha workers
According to a press release from the LG’s office, Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena has recommended that the AAP government raise the stipend paid to ASHA employees in Delhi from the current Rs 3,000 per month to Rs 9,000. Saxena pointed out that their last stipend increase was in 2018, despite the fact that revisions were meant to take place every three years.

According to the announcement, he has also asked for the Anganwadi supervisors’ salary to be released immediately.
Following Saxena’s interaction with a delegation of ASHA and Aangwadi workers who met with the LG on Monday at Raj Niwas, the LG was informed that the salaries of Aangwadi Supervisors had not been paid for the previous seven months and that their stipends had not been revised since 2018. They also raised a number of issues pertaining to their livelihood and asked the LG for assistance or intervention,” the announcement said.
“Despite inflation, Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) who operate as non-medical health workers in the community under the National Health Mission (NHM) have been protesting about their low pay and the government’s lack of attention, despite their repeated objections and representations. According to a cabinet decision made at the time, the stipend they get was last set or changed in 2018 and was intended to be adjusted every three years, the statement said.
The group of Anganwadi workers and ASHA brought up these concerns and requested assistance from the LG. They were told by Saxena that the issues they brought up were transferred topics, which are within the purview of the AAP administration. He acknowledged that their requests were reasonable, however, and pledged to counsel the government to take their concerns into consideration.