Kedarnath by-election: Election vehicles to be GPS tracked
According to an official release, 205 cars involved in the voting process will be GPS-monitored, and 75% of polling places will be webcast for the first time in any election.
Constant efforts are being made to guarantee that the election process is transparent, fair, and fearless under the direction and oversight of Chief Election Officer Dr. BVRC Purushottam. The recent by-election in the Kedarnath Assembly seat serves as an illustration of this.

For the by-election, 75% of voting places had CCTV cameras installed. The Election Commission, the Chief Election Officer’s Office, and the District Election Office will all use webcasting to keep an eye on these polling places.
To improve election process transparency, the Election Commission often proposes new policies. As part of this effort, CCTV cameras—also known as webcasting—are placed at voting places to guarantee thorough surveillance. In the past, just 50% of assembly voting places had CCTV cameras installed.
By Tuesday night, cross-checks had been done and CCTV installations had been finished at 130 of the 173 centers. Furthermore, 205 election trucks have GPS units attached, allowing for complete tracking of their actions.
To keep an eye on webcasting and GPS monitoring, a control room has been established at both the Chief Election Office and the District Election Office. The whole procedure would be supervised by the assigned nodal officer.