Egypt urges all Syrian parties to prioritise nation’s supreme interest by unifying objectives and priorities
Cairo: In order to clear the path for a thorough and inclusive political process that would promote internal harmony and peace and restore Syria’s position in the region and internationally, Egypt encouraged all Syrian parties on Sunday to put the country’s best interests first by coordinating their goals and priorities.

Cairo urged the Syrian parties to protect the nation’s wealth and institutions, according to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement that Ahram Online reported.
The ministry also emphasized Egypt’s commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, as well as its support for the Syrian state and people.
Cairo also reiterated its determination to keep collaborating with regional and global partners in order to lessen the Syrian people’s protracted suffering.
Egypt’s assistance with rebuilding, enabling the safe repatriation of Syrian refugees to their country, and attaining the stability that the Syrian people are entitled to were also highlighted by the ministry.