Telangana: Three arrested in SBI robbery case, 2.5 kg gold jewellery seized
Warangal: According to police on Friday, 2.5 kg of gold jewelry were confiscated and three persons were detained in relation to the Rayaparthy State Bank of India (SBI) theft case.
The police claim that the gold jewelry was taken from the Warangal district’s Rayaparthy SBI branch. According to authorities, two of the three detained suspects are from Uttar Pradesh, and the bank heist occurred on the evening of November 18.

Three suspects in the Rayaparthy SBI Bank theft case have been taken into custody by Warangal Police. 2.5 kilograms of gold jewelry that had been taken from the bank was also found once they were apprehended. Two of the three defendants are from Uttar Pradesh. Since there was no security on duty, the accused individuals chose the State Bank of India (SBI) when they arrived on the 18th night to examine it. The gold was stolen. Ten squads were created by the Warangal Police. Ambar Kishor Jha, the Commissioner of Police (CP), said in a media report.
According to CP Jha, seven defendants from Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh have been identified in relation to this case. He claimed that they selected the SBI branch in Rayaparthy hamlet since it was beyond the main town and there was no night watchman on duty.
The commissioner said that the other defendants will shortly be taken into custody as well.
In all, seven defendants have been named in this case. They sought refuge in Hyderabad after traveling from Maharashtra. They conducted a reconnaissance of many SBI banks. They selected SBI Rayaparthy out of all of these locations as it was beyond the main town and there was no night watch. They left the state with the property after that action, but those items have since been found. They’ve been taken into custody.” CP Ambar Kishor Jha said that the other suspects will be nabbed shortly as well.