Sindhi rights organization takes out rallies on Sindhi cultural day
In order to draw attention to the region’s rich cultural legacy and continuing sociopolitical conflicts, the Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) organized nonviolent protest marches in a number of places, including Karachi, Kotri, and Kandyaro, for Sindhi Cultural Day.

Activists, cultural aficionados, and concerned citizens joined the rallies and proudly exhibited Sindhi cultural items including traditional music, Ajrak, and Sindhi hats.
Amar Azadi, Zubair Sindhi, and Chairman Sohail Abro were among the JSFM leaders who passionately spoke in favor of Sindh’s rights, independence, and sovereignty. Protecting Sindh’s cultural identity, opposing religious extremism, and tackling pressing regional concerns were the main themes of the rallies.
Sindh is fighting for both political independence and the preservation of its cultural and historical heritage, Sohail Abro said. Abro said that “the people of Sindh will never compromise on their rights or resources,” emphasizing the importance of maintaining Sindhi culture as a component of the region’s defense against outside influences.
The opposition to religious fanaticism was one of the protests’ main topics. The leaders of JSFM expressed their worry over the increasing impact of extremism in the area, arguing that it jeopardizes Sindh’s secular character and peaceful coexistence.
The leadership of the JSFM also voiced grave worries about new canal projects on the Indus River, stating that they would deny Sindh its fair share of water, putting the region’s ecology, livelihoods, and agriculture in jeopardy.
Additionally, the protests provided a forum for denouncing the continued extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances of Sindhi and Baloch political workers. JSFM officials called for a stop to these human rights abuses and demanded justice and responsibility for the victims.
The demand for an independent Sindhudesh was a central theme of the protests. In order to preserve Sindh’s culture, riches, and sovereignty, JSFM leaders reaffirmed the need of an independent Sindhudesh. They also emphasized the necessity of unity and self-determination in order to shield the area from systematic exploitation and repression.
“The world must pay attention to the ongoing injustices against Sindhis and Baloch,” Zubair Sindhi said in his address. Sindh will keep fighting for freedom and justice in a nonviolent manner. We are strong because of our culture, and now we make it very evident to the rest of the world that Sindh will not allow its identity or sovereignty to be threatened.”