Congress MP Abhishek Singhvi called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s tenure full of ‘stupid’ policies
New Delhi: Abhishek Singhvi, a Congress Rajya Sabha MP, referred to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s term as one characterized by “foolish” policies on Monday. Singhvi thought that a harmonious relationship between Canada and India will be heralded by Trudeau’s departure.

“Justin Trudeau’s resignation is a much-needed change for Canada and its global relations,” he said in a post on X. His administration was characterized by weak internal programs and a lenient attitude toward extreme forces. We hope that his departure will lead to better, more cordial ties between Canada and India.
On Monday (local time), Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will step down as both prime minister and head of the Liberal Party as soon as a replacement is selected.
Trudeau claimed to have discussed the need to begin searching for a new prime ministerial candidate with the president of the Liberal Party.
“After the party elects a new leader, I plan to step down as both the party’s leader and prime minister. I can’t be a good candidate if I have to compete with myself. He said, “I have requested that the liberal party president look for a new candidate for the position of prime minister.”
The current session is the longest in Canadian history, and Trudeau’s departure follows a protracted period of legislative stagnation. In order to prepare for a new session of Parliament, he has recommended that the Governor General prorogue the House until March 24.
“We have contributed to this nation. The planet is at a turning point right now. The tenacity of Canadians inspires me to serve. I am a combative person.
Because I really care about Canadians and my nation, every bone in my body has always called me to fight, and I will always be driven by what is best for Canadians. Trudeau said, “The truth is that after the longest session of a minority Parliament in Canadian history, Parliament has been paralyzed for months despite best efforts to work it out.”
Although he thanked his family for their support throughout his career, Trudeau, who has been in government since 2015, said that internal party strife has made it evident that he is unable to lead the party successfully going forward.
“For that reason, I told the Governor General this morning that a fresh parliamentary session is required. The House will now be prorogued until March 24 after she approved this request. I’ve also had time to think and have lengthy conversations with my family about our future throughout the holidays. Any success I have had individually during my career has been a result of their encouragement and support. Trudeau said, “I told my kids about the decision that I am sharing with you today during dinner last night.”
After a protracted period of legislative paralysis—the current session is the longest in Canadian history—Trudeau resigned.
“After the party chooses its successor leader, I plan to step down as prime minister and party leader.I requested the Liberal Party president to start that process last night. He said, “It has become evident to me that I am fighting internal battles and that I cannot be the best option in that election. This country deserves a real choice in the next election.”
The Liberal Party will now start the process of choosing a new leader, and Anita Anand, Chrystia Freeland, and Mark Carney are just a few of the names that have already been floated.
It is unclear how the party and the nation will react to Trudeau’s departure, which represents a dramatic transformation in Canadian politics.